Messages and Bulk Download 4.2


The Messages tab will contain a detailed table list of all the messages that occurred within the ePVS mode. It will have two separate lists, Mapped and Unmapped.



Mapped Messages

Mapped messages occur when and object goes into a predetermined flagged state, like Blocked, Starved, Faulted, etc.


Unmapped Messages

Unmapped messages are similar to Mapped message, however, they were not linked, generated or tagged to an object.

Usually there should be more Mapped Messages than Unmapped Messages. If there are more Unmapped, then this would be a sign of a problem with the Message Maps or the edc Template. This issue should be resolved immediately.

Ideally, there should be 0 unmapped messages.



Calendar selection

To select a different date range simply select the choose a date Link in the upper right-hand corner of the messages page. Below the link, it will show the current selection. Clicking on the date will open a selection calendar.



This selection calendar is comprised of 2-month selection palette. The month on the left will represent the start date. Making the selection here will select the starting day you would like to view. The calendar to the right will be the end date. After your selection, then click the submit button. The message page will now refresh with your selected date range. 

Above each month calendar is the actual month, and a for and after selection tabs. Use selection tabs to move forward or backward, month by month, to your selection. If you wish to select a different year, simply click on the month and year link. This will open a year menu, which will allow you to select a different year.

After you select a year, the calendar will refresh with the months listed on a table. Select the month you wish to see by clicking on it.

Sorting & Grouping

Each column has several features available to use to sort the data. The user can select the Sort icon which will open a menu that will allow you to select all or select individual or multiple selections based upon the column you are viewing. Once you made your selection select the okay button and the browser will refresh with your selection.

Each column can also be sorted by groups, ascending, or descending. Simply click on the title of any column and an up or down arrow will appear next to the title. Click on it to sort the column in an ascending, or descending command.

You can also grab a column and drag it to the upper left side of the table two group by that column. Simply click hold and drag to the upper left-hand side. You can select multiple columns to filter and sort what you need. 

Column Search Feature

Below every title plate of each column does a search feature. Clicking on it will open a menu that will allow you to make your search based upon certain criteria. Criteria, such as Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Does not equal, and a Reset.
Clicking on any of them will open a dialogue editing box in place for the user to enter the information needed to search.



4.2 Messages Bulk Download

Start by selecting a date range you would like to include in your Bulk Download.
Use the calendar applet to make your selections.


Drill down to the objects you would like to include.


Click the Download as ZIP, and it will download a Zip file to your email.


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