Logging into enVision

Logging Into enVision

To log in to envision enter your username in the edit box provided enter your password, then click the submit button to log on to envision. NOTE: A username will be added to enVision by an Administrator, previously before the user can log in to enVision.


Log In Screen

If you want to have the username and password remembered check off the Remember Me checkbox note.

It is not recommended to use the Remember Me option, if this is being used on a shared computer.




Forgot Password?

If you have forgotten your login password or your username. You can click on the forgot password button.


This will open another window where you can input your email or username. If you have remember your log in, you can click the “Try to log in again” button. This will take you back to the log in screen.


Once entered click the submit button and an email will be sent to your inbox with a change password and instructions.

If you use an email address. It will send you your username and a new temporary password to change once you log in.


If you do not see it check in your spam folder. Now copy the temporary password and log back into the envision browser.


Note once you are logged in your username will appear in the upper right side of the Top navigation bar.


Go to the settings tab and input the temporary password, then enter a new password.



Click Submit, and a green box will appear stating Success, the password was changed.

You should now know how to login retrieving your temporary password and changing your password.